Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sermon: "Abide in Christ"- John 15:1-17- Jeff Wu

Reflection Questions:

1. Describe the ways you experience God’s love.

2. How can we build and strengthen the community here at Kairo?

3. How can we reach our community as the local church?

Sermon: "Something To Remember Me By"- John 14:15-31- Jack Tsai

Reflection Questions:
1. What is your understanding of the Holy Spirit?

2. What does it mean to have intimacy with God?  How have you experienced that?

3. How is your experience of reading God’s Word?

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Fix Your Eyes" - John 14:1-14 - Greg Mah

Fix Your Eyes
John 14:1-14


1. Fixing your Eyes on Jesus gives us Hope (v. 1-4)
  • Jesus encourages the disciples by telling them that he’s going to come back for them and take them to be with him. In your opinion, is it too simple a solution for those going through difficulties to “fix their eyes on eternity with Jesus”? Would that honestly encourage you?
  • What would it practically look like to fix our eyes on Eternity with Jesus?

2. Fixing your Eyes on Jesus gives God Glory (v. 5-11)
  • In your understanding of the sermon, what is meant by the “glory” of God? In order for God to be glorified, what is God’s role, and what is the believer’s role?
  • How does “fixing our eyes on Jesus” give God glory?

3. Fixing your Eyes on Jesus gives Power to Prayer (v. 12-14)
  • What does it mean to pray in “Jesus’ name”?
  • The sermon suggested that “prayer may be more about God getting what he wants, then about us getting what we want”. Would you agree or disagree?